Come and join us for our Open House on Thursday February 27, 2025 from 6-8 PM. Registration booths will be set up to help facilitate the process.
Please follow our parking lot protocols. No parking in bus lanes and follow the one-way route in and out of the lot. Thank you.
Watch for our Breeze Newsletters for important school information.
Before / After school club hours are from 7:00-8:15AM Mon-Fri mornings, and from dismissal to 5:15PM Mon-Thu, and 2:15PM on Fridays.
The annual CWAA Constituency meeting date has been moved from March 6, 2025 to May 1, 2025.


CWAA is part of an active inter-school athletic program called CISAA (Calgary Independent Schools Athletic Association) which enables students to develop their athletic skills and experience healthy team participation. Each year, over 50% of our Grades 7- 12 students participate in athletic teams that compete against other private schools similar in size across the city of Calgary.

Athletic teams participate in volleyball, soccer, basketball, badminton, flag football, floor hockey, track and field and other team sports. Senior high students are given the opportunity to participate in a number of out-of-town tournaments. 

Student eligibility to participate in the athletic program is based on the following conditions:

  • Parental approval via signed permission forms
  • Completed payment of all fees including a deposit on sports uniform*
  • Regular attendance and punctuality to classes
  • Maintaining passing grades in all subjects
  • Promotion of good school citizenship and school spirit
  • Good sportsmanship – respectful and polite communication with all coaches/officials/fellow athletes and team players
  • Being a good ambassador of CWAA, family and church
  • Commitment to the Student Code of Conduct both on and off the ‘court’
*Athletic refunds will not be issued to students who are removed from a sports team due to disciplinary action. Refunds will only be issued in the case of injury and on a pro-rated basis.
To see a printable schedule of all athletic programs offered with dates and fees, please click here


For important information on the closure of Chinook Winds Adventist Academy in response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), please click below.

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