Gr. 12 Diplomas and secondary exams are coming up next week. View the calendar for schedule times and start preparing now!
Please follow our parking lot protocols. No parking in bus lanes and follow the one-way route in and out of the lot. Thank you.
Watch for our Breeze Newsletters for important school information.
Before / After school club hours are from 7:00-8:15AM Mon-Fri mornings, and from dismissal to 5:15PM Mon-Thu, and 2:15PM on Fridays.

Applying to CWAA is a 3-step process:

STEP 1: Application

Visit the Online Registration page to complete the online application package and supporting PDF documents.

STEP 2: Interview

Once a completed application has been received, an interview will be scheduled with the Admissions Team. The presence of both parent(s) and student(s) is requested for this interview. Please note the following academic test requirements and guidelines:

  •  ESL students will be tested prior to admission to determine English proficiency (minimum Level 3 entrance requirement). 
  • K-3 applicants will be given a readiness assessment to determine placement. Placement testing for other grades will be conducted where necessary. 
  • The age requirement for Kindergarten is 5 years by December 31 of the school year.

STEP 3: Notification

After careful review of the student’s application, interview, academic records, and recommendations, the Admissions Team will make their decision and communicate the decision and email a confirmation letter to the family. In situations where the available spots for a class have already been filled, accepted students will be placed on a waiting list.


For important information on the closure of Chinook Winds Adventist Academy in response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), please click below.

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