Come and join us for our Open House on Thursday February 27, 2025 from 6-8 PM. Registration booths will be set up to help facilitate the process.
Please follow our parking lot protocols. No parking in bus lanes and follow the one-way route in and out of the lot. Thank you.
Watch for our Breeze Newsletters for important school information.
Before / After school club hours are from 7:00-8:15AM Mon-Fri mornings, and from dismissal to 5:15PM Mon-Thu, and 2:15PM on Fridays.
The annual CWAA Constituency meeting date has been moved from March 6, 2025 to May 1, 2025.


 SDA Studentnon-SDA StudentInternational Student
New Application Fees$150*$150*$150*
Re-registration Fees$100*$100*$100*
Academic Fees
     Kindergarten (4-day)$2,900$2,900$2,900*
     Grades 1-6$3,700$4,600$10,300*
     Grades 7-9$4,400$5,300$11,200*
     Grades 10-12$5,800$6,700$13,100*
Bus Fees $2,300 for First Rider, $1,450 for Each Additional Rider
* Indicates fees are non-refundable


  • REGISTRATION FEES are nonrefundable fees which include administrative costs, yearbooks, agendas and selective technology fees.
  • ACADEMIC FEES INCLUDE tuition fees (textbooks, non-consumable teaching resources and salaries), activity/resource fees (consumable student resources, field trips, graduation fees, etc.) and capital fees (facility costs and improvements).
  • INTERNATIONAL FEES are non-refundable.  Once CWAA issues a letter of acceptance and the student is issued a Student Visa by the Canadian Immigration Authority, based on CWAA’s Letter of Acceptance, tuition fees are non-refundable. Only in the event of inability to attend school due to immigration difficulty will the tuition fee be refunded.
  • CWAA offers two incentive programs:
    • REFERRAL INCENTIVE – Families that are instrumental in bringing a new family to CWAA will receive a $250 discount per newly enrolled family. Both existing and new students must remain enrolled for a full school year to be eligible for the Referral Incentive. The $250 discount is per family and not per student and will be applied in June.
    • MULTI-STUDENT DISCOUNT – Families with more than one child will receive a 5% reduction in fees for the second and third siblings.

Additional Costs May Include:

  • Extracurricular Athletics: cost varies per team and sport ($20-$950)
  • Secondary Options Fees: cost varies based on options selected (approximately $20-$100)
  • Music program: cost ranges up to $950
  • Retreats: covers the cost of an overnight retreat including transportation, food, accommodations and activities (approximately $100-$300)
  • International Mission Trip (Grades 10-12) cost ranges up to $3,000
  • Hot Lunch Program (Kindergarten – Grade 12): optional lunch program (approximately $7-10 per lunch)
  • School Uniforms: cost dependent on student selection
  • Fundraisers: a variety of school-wide fundraisers may occur throughout the year


For important information on the closure of Chinook Winds Adventist Academy in response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), please click below.

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